Surely you've been curious to know which famous person looks like you. Today with the help of the internet there is an Application that shows you which celebrity you look like.

And Yes, we are talking about applications that, based on your photos, search the internet for which famous person you or anyone else looks like.

And we are going to show you some options here so that you can download and have fun comparing, saving and even sharing with your friends on your social networks.

App that shows you which celebrity you look like

The first application we are going to talk about is “Gradient”

This App will definitely go viral among Brazilians.

Because in the United States, the week it was released, it was a phenomenon of download numbers.

Being more downloaded even than Tiktok, Instagram and Youtube.

It searches through your photo in various databases, where there may be famous people who look like you.

App that shows you which celebrity you look like

The idea of the app is quite simple:

You upload your photo, and in a few seconds it gives you the result comparing your photo with that of some famous people who look like you.

Just like at the beginning of the year everyone suddenly got older on their social media, now everyone is sharing their photos of being celebrity lookalikes.

The Gradient app is available for android and IOS and you can download it from the Google store directly on your mobile from Google Play.

Or if you use an iPhone, just enter the Apple Store and search for it by name.

Another App that will compare you with celebrities that is also very fun is the “Face Match”.

With Face Match it works almost the same way, you upload your photo to the app, and it looks for who looks most like you, or rather, which celebrity you most resemble.

But what's different about Face Match from the others is that you can play with up to 3 other people in groups of 4, and the app itself chooses among them which one is most similar to the famous person in question.

Therefore, after choosing the celebrity, you have the option to share the results on your social networks.

So, take the opportunity to have fun and maybe get a stunt job in Hollywood movies. Haha

The third and no less fun is Celebrity Collage

If you think you look like a famous person, this is where you'll find it.

It's not difficult at all to make this comparison directly in the app, you upload it just like in the others, and the app's system will show you some famous options that look like the photo of the chosen person.

You can download the app from the Google Play store if your phone is Android or from the Apple Store if your phone is an iPhone.

We hope we were able to help you decide which app to use, or download all three and have fun with your friends on your social networks.

And also see: Application for you to know what your future child's face will look like