The dream of many couples is to have children, but we could never know what their face would look like, at least until now. We present the Application for you to know what your future child's face will look like

Now you can take a picture of yourself or the supposed mommy and a picture of your crush and take a test.

The Application for you to know what your future child's face will look like will pick up the most striking features of each of the photos.

He will combine these features and give you the result of what your child's face will look like.

Take the test as many times as you want and have as many variables as possible of what your child will be like.

There will certainly be many different faces, after all, siblings are different even though they are children of the same parents.

It sure is a super app and a lot of fun.

Do like over 3 million women who have already downloaded and tested it to see what their future child will be like.

For those of you who use an Android phone, just go to the store at Play Store and search for Baby Generator, once you find it, just download and have fun.

For those of you who use any model of iPhone, just go to the store at Apple Store and download the app.

Application for you to know what your future child's face will look like

Once downloaded, just choose your mom and dad photos from your image library and upload.

Then, just click on the button and wait, the App will recognize the photos and their characteristics making the montage.

“It's amazing how much he really looks like our first child,” said 34-year-old Maria do Carmo.

“It is exciting when I look at the picture of my future son, he has my eyes” said Mariana de Almeida, 29 years old.

Just like them, you can also see now through the App so you know what your future child's face will look like

Oh…. It's totally free and you can use it as many times as you want.

Share with your friends so they too can know what their future child's face will look like.

We hope to have helped you with this post and explained to you how the App works so you know what your future child's face will look like.

Now just run on your phone's app store, download and have a lot of fun!!!!

See also on our website.

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