Did you know that there is a Free app to take a pregnancy test on your cell phone? Well, that's what we're going to talk about, and teach you how to download the app.

Find out your baby's gender before anyone else

Before spending money on drug tests or even blood tests, it's definitely worth checking out your cell phone.

So no more doubts, find out by downloading the pregnancy test app on your cell phone right now.

There are a few types of pregnancy test apps on your phone, and we're going to show you one of the examples for you to download, regardless of whether your phone is android or IOS.

Take your cell phone, if it is Android, that is, Samsung, Motorola, xiaomi, LG, etc…. Go to the Google Play app store and search for pregnancy test.

As soon as they appear, you will have some options, maybe it's worth downloading even more than one for comparison or confirmation of results.

If your cell phone has the IOS system, that is, an iPhone of any model, go to the Apple Store, search for a pregnancy test and download the pregnancy test application on your cell phone.

Or Click here to go straight to the app:

Remembering that testing the apps on your cell phone is more for guidance, that is, 100% is not as effective as a test done in pharmacies or laboratories.

After downloading the application, start with the “enter” button, most of these tests ask the user who is doing the test to enter some information such as:

Free App to Take Pregnancy Test on Mobile

  • Age
  • Last menstruation date
  • cycle duration

Then the Pregnancy Test App on your phone will show you when your fertile period was and ask you some questions.

Once answered, you will be at a screen full of symptom questions….

Remember, answer as honestly as possible so that the test works.

After that, the app itself will give you the result. Remembering that depending on the test you download, it may be more complete.

There are even some online pregnancy tests that not only let you know if you're pregnant, but you can also take a fertility test so you can track your fertile period.

Tips for those going through a pregnancy

While we are talking about online pregnancy tests and babies, let's talk a little about some very useful tips for those who are going through a pregnancy.

The first tip we have is about, the 10 foods you should avoid during pregnancy, they are;

  1. Raw fish and undercooked meat
  2. raw eggs
  3. unpasteurized milk
  4. Soft and unpasteurized cheeses
  5. Unwashed fruits and vegetables
  6. Canned tuna
  7. Coffee
  8. Foods that contain caffeine
  9. sweeteners
  10. Alcoholic beverages

To have a healthy pregnancy, it is worth abstaining from certain foods and drinks that can harm you, taking away your tranquility and pleasure in the gestation period.

Another tip we can give you is to do physical activities during pregnancy.

Doing adequate physical activities during pregnancy certainly has super positive effects on the health of the baby, and your mom.

However, be very careful with exaggeration and always consult a doctor before sports practices, to know if there are no reasons or contraindications of the responsible doctor.

Moderate practice of any sport or physical activity certainly helps to cheer up and give pregnant women more health.

Anyway, as we said, no more doubts, and take your Online Pregnancy Test right now