Did you know that there is an App that measures Glucose and helps control Diabetes?

Well, now you can download and use an application that will help you control Diabetes.

It's not like those devices that prick your finger and measure your blood sugar through the blood.

In fact, that's not his role.

But, it has multiple functions and we are going to show you each one of them here so that you can use it in a way that will help you.

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Today in Brazil, there are about 40 million pre-diabetic people.

Within that number, according to statistics, 25% will become diabetic in the next few years.

In other words, Diabetes today is a common disease among Brazilians, which is why we brought this amazing App today.

Where can I download the App that measures Glucose and helps control Diabetes?

The App that measures Glucose and helps to control Diabetes is available for Android phones through the Play Store.

And for iPhone cell phones of any model through the Apple Store directly on your cell phone.

Just search for the name “Glucose Control” or “Glucose Control” that it will appear for you to Download.

But, rest assured, the Application that measures Glucose and helps control Diabetes is free and you can download it free of charge on your cell phone.

Once downloaded, you can do many things to help manage your diabetes.

And among them are:

  1. Create your profile, or more than one profile to control.
  2. Register all the medications you take so that the app tells you the correct times to take them.
  3. Register exam and appointment dates so that the application sends you alerts about their days and times.
  4. Control your diet with foods and recipes that will help control blood sugar levels.
  5. Share charts and schedules with people and even directly with your doctor.
  6. You can create profile for diabetic and pre-diabetic people.

Liked? So now run to the app store on your cell phone and download the App that measures Glucose

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