Você sabia que existem 5 linguagens do amor? Teste as 5 linguagens do amor para elas qual será a sua?

All of us, whether men or women, have preferred ways of feeling loved.

According with the doctor. Gary Chapman, who developed through a major study and wrote the highly successful book “The 5 Love Languages”, they are;

  1. Palavras de Afirmação – A pessoa se sente amada quando ela é elogiada ou acariciada com palavras.
  2. Tempo de qualidade – A pessoa nesse caso se sente amada e respeitada quando quem ela ama te dá atenção e passa tempo com ela.
  3. Toque Físico – A pessoa se sente bem e amada quando ela é abraçada, acariciada com as mãos, massageada ou carinho nos cabelos.
  4. Atos de serviço – A pessoa se sente extremamente amada quando seu companheiro faz coisas para ela, seja coisas de casa ou até mesmo um favor que seja.
  5. Recebendo presentes – Muitas pessoas se sentem amadas quando elas ganham algo de presente, não estamos falando de preço aqui, mas de consideração.

If you've never heard of it or you still don't know which one is yours, today we bring you the free Test the 5 love languages for them which one will be yours?

Remembering that this test was developed for women, because the questions for them and for them are different.

Before you take the test, we need to explain that the test result will not be what you like and prefer to love.

And yes, how do you like to be loved, that is, how do you feel loved, what do you like to receive for that OK?

So, without further ado, take the 5 Love Languages Test for them now, which one will be yours?

What's up? What was the result?

Is that exactly what you feel when a person does it to you?

Do you really feel loved when a person does what the test results show?

Então agora que você já sabe qual a maneira de ser amada que te agrada mais e te deixa bem, converse com seu parceiro.

Explain to him about the 5 languages, let him know how you feel loved and give him a chance to help you with that.

I'm sure it will help you to be happier and more loved.

Enfim, esperamos ter ajudado a você descobrir qual a sua linguagem de amor, compartilhe esse post com suas amigas.

They also need to know how to be happier in their relationships by knowing how they want to be loved.

See other tests that we also have on our website and feel free to do as many times as you want.

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