Marvel comics and movies have always given us great stories with great heroes. But what would heroes be without villains? Take the Personality Test now to find out which Marvel villain you would be.

Every super hero is only considered a super hero because behind him there is a super villain.

With that in mind, today we brought you a Personality Test to find out which Marvel villain you would be.

Let's talk a little about the main villains without going into the story, just about the personality of each one.

And after your test result, you can come and compare personalities to know for sure which one is yours.

Which villains are in the Personality Test to find out which Marvel villain you would be

Let's start with him, who among the great villains is certainly among the greatest.

We talk about the great Titan Thanos:

Although Thanos gained his popularity among the masses after becoming the main villain of the Marvel Shared Universe, O MCU.

He has always been one of the biggest antagonists in comic books. marvel comics

Thanos has a very strong personality, is audacious and keeps his ego high.

One of the phrases, actually a catchphrase made famous by Thanos is “I am Inevitable”.

If your result was Thanos, you certainly have a remarkable personality, which will be noticed wherever you go.

Now let's talk about Loki:

Loki is a villain, from the universe of Thor stories, from the comics that gained popularity through the films of the marvel studios.

Just like in Norse mythology, the character is the god of lies and is always making trouble for his brother Thor to get out of trouble.

If you have the personality of Loki, your high ego is definitely part of your nature.

To get along, he spares no efforts and no consequences. The only problem is that he can step over even a brother to make things go his way.


Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) may not have been the best movie in the Marvel Studios franchise.

But even so, it brought us one of the most interesting and hated villains in the comics.

 In addition to a recurring villain in the comics, he is very powerful.

The android is always in continuous improvement. And uses technology to strike terror in the world.

Ultron's Personality is totally sagacious. He is always looking for improvement, that is, he is extremely perfectionist.


Not only is Magneto the most important villain in the X-Men, he is also one of the most important villains in comics in general.

With his power to manipulate magnetic fields, the villain is one of the greatest terrorists in the comics.

He holds that mutants are a superior race, and that humans are not worthy of the world.

Magneto's personality profile sure stands out in the lead.

In none of the movies will you see him taking orders or staying in the background in any scene.

Either he is the protagonist, or he is the protagonist!!!

There are several other villains like Apocalypse, Doctor Doom, Galactus, Hela, Winter Soldier, the super villain Nebula among others.

Take your Personality Test now to find out which Marvel villain you would be

What's up?

Have you figured out which villain is most like you in personality? If yes, share it with your friends so they can do it too.

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