Taking care of our oral health is one of the most important things, as the mouth is the main gateway to any disease, so keeping the mouth healthy is extremely necessary to keep the body healthy and protected, so let's talk a little about how to get dental implants through SUS without paying.

Dental implants are surgeries performed to replace missing teeth, through a titanium cylinder that is placed in the bone, just below the gum to simulate a tooth root, and on top of this cylinder is placed a new tooth.

Dental implants are indicated for people who have lost their tooth, or when the tooth exists, but it is necessary to extract it, either because of a problem found or just for aesthetic reasons, which is usually the majority of cases.

A private dental implant in Brazil can cost up to 3,500 reais, for just one tooth, and if it is imported material, the implant for each tooth can cost more than 16,000 reais.

But today, thanks to the Brasil Sorridente program, which was created in Brazil in 2004, people enrolled in the program can receive dental treatment for free, including dental implants, which were included in the program, along with orthodontics, in 2011.

But as already mentioned above, it is necessary for the citizen to be registered in the program and to have the SUS Card.

However, not all cities in Brazil have the Brasil Sorridente program, some places are still in the implementation phase, so before seeking care it is necessary to check if the program already exists in your city.

After this verification, you must go to the health center closest to your residence, with the SUS card and express your interest in being part of this program.

In this way, you will be directed to a specific service, where the doctor will identify the need for an implant and refer you to a specialist also from the SUS network.

There is a waiting list and priority care, which in this case are loss of teeth due to accidents, for example, or in cases where chewing is interfering with the patient's health and way of life.

The dental implantation limit is 6 teeth per patient, and you must be over 18 years old, not have systemic diseases and have a good periodontal condition, in order to be able to implant your teeth through SUS.

After surgery, it is important that the patient has some necessary care to maintain their oral health and is aware of the consequences if they do not take care of their post-surgical care.

It is recommended and essential that after dental implant surgery the patient has an adequate diet with liquid and iced foods preferably, especially in the first 12 hours after the implant.

After this first moment, the food should be pasty and only return to eating normally after at least 24 hours after the procedure.

It is also necessary to sleep with your head resting on a high pillow, avoid spitting and also avoid mouthwash, as this can increase the possibility of bleeding and interfere with the result.

Physical exertion should also be avoided for at least a week after the procedure, in addition to sun exposure and talking a lot.

The SUS, in addition to offering free dental implants, also has the availability of wisdom teeth removal, treatments for cavities, dental surgeries and root canal treatments, among others.

All this so that the patient has how to get dental implants through SUS without paying.