Did you know it's possible find metals using cell phone?

Yes, it is possible, as there are now applications that help the search for metals, in addition to the already known electronic and portable detectors.

Metal detectors are portable devices that are capable of detecting the presence of nearby metals such as objects buried underground.

Detectors are basically a device that contains a sensor probe, which when it is close to a metal object, emits a sound, which it is possible to see where it is.

Normally, the device gives an indication of distance, and the closer it is to the metal, the louder the sound in the headset.

To turn your cell phone into a metal detector, your device must have gyroscope, geomagnetic and accelerometer sensors.

If you can't afford a metal detector or can't make a home detector, this is the best option.

This device will help you learn to detect metals, but it will depend on the type and quality of your device.

This application has the function of measuring the value of the magnetic field, using the sensor that is connected to your mobile device.

metal detector

O metal detector is a tool that is available for android phones, which detects metals.

The program works as a kind of magnet, from a digital compass that exists in the cell phone, which is capable of detecting metals anywhere, and for it to work correctly, just point the cell phone at a metallic object so that the device recognize it.

After its installation, the device looks for metallic objects in its vicinity, scans the object and after a few seconds it vibrates and appears on the cell phone screen.

It is also possible to define whether the device will vibrate or emit a sound, which the user can change in the application settings when installing it.

On the other hand, the higher the sensitivity of the sound emitted, the more battery will be spent on your cell phone.

The search for identifying metals is usually carried out by banks, exchange houses, concert halls and several other entities, in order to ensure the safety of the appropriate locations.

According to the users of the Metal Detector application, the tool is nothing more than a joke to interact with friends and family, as wrong objects have already been detected by the app, so the application works, but it should never be replaced by professional detectors, used in airports, banks, armed forces and other institutions.

The application works, but it is not reliable in places that require a professional device, it is only for the user to be distracted and pass the time.

There are a variety of metal detectors on the market, specific for each function, there are even underwater detectors to detect metals on the seabed.

Metal detectors work through a magnetic field, which in contact with the object, induces an electric current, just as the object also has a field that causes interference in the detector.

In this way, the due variation is observed in a specific meter that will give a signal when the materials come into contact.

Briefly, the detectors work by electromagnetism, consisting of a transmitter and a receiver.

The transmitter consists of copper wires wrapped around a metallic material, powered by an external power source.

The receiver consists of an iron-wound coil, but without power supply.

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