It's really worth getting to know app to detect radar and blitz and get rid of various problems. 

Who has never run away from a little blit, any kind of police control is complicated. 


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Sometimes just because we are late, full of tasks being stopped by the police is a problem. 

We waste a lot of time until the police see that everything is ok, this control is a little complicated. 

Most of the time the police are just doing their routine work, and let's consider this is very important. 

But just standing in line or having to face a blitz is to get stuck in delay. 

What's more, if you have a little problem in the car that you haven't been able to solve yet, it can lead to a headache. 

Mainly, when you are not up to date with the insurance or the dreaded IPVA only car, expired driver's license, all this already hurts the stomach. 

Because we all know the fine is pretty high, it's not that we want you to run away from your responsibilities and commitment. 

But unforeseen events happen and we often need to leave with the car without being 100% sometimes the month's expense was high and you couldn't pay everything on time. 

It's at these times that apps like this do success! 

Application to detect radar and blitz

This application indicates all the blitzen and radars in the region, you can leave more peacefully knowing where to go. 

In addition, users mark the radars at each stage of the journey on the map, one helps the other to identify the radars and police controls.

It's a free app, no registration or subscription required, you can tag other Public Security Police. 

Mainly, if other users have marked these police officers on the map, you can also see the traffic details. 

The main advantages of the application for Police Dector 

It also works as a radar Dector, shows the speed limits in the vicinity of radars and police. 

In addition, it allows you to place markers within a radius of 15 km from your location, everyone will be able to see an overview of the place. 

Available in version android this app is very useful and can help you get rid of big problems. 

It is often inevitable not to come across a blitz or police control, but for those who are late and have little time to reach their destination. 

Mainly, if you are in trouble and in a hurry to get there, it is possible to deviate from the path and take a faster route without control.  

The application Police Dector give you several tips and guidelines to circulate without problems. 

We hope you enjoyed all the information about this app to detect radar and blitz. 

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