According to a survey conducted in Brazil in 2019.

It showed that approximately 38.1 million Brazilians have high blood pressure.

People with hypertension need to monitor their blood pressure daily and as often as needed.

And often in places far from the comfort of your home, for that reason measure blood pressure by cell phone it's a good way out.



To measure the pressure by the cell device is through health applications.

Health apps are those used to assist in self-care and storage of health information. 

There are several types of applications, which change according to your purpose.

The most common health apps are diet and nutrient intake, menstrual cycles, training, vaccines, water consumption and anxiety management.

What are the benefits of using health apps?

The presence of technology is increasingly strong, so many sectors and people have had to adapt to these changes.

Digital health is one of those changes that brought health apps. 

Even though they are increasingly used, there are still people who are afraid of health apps, as it is a whole new world.

This tool has many advantages:

  • Proximity: with distance technology it has decreased, making it possible to carry out medical consultations online, in addition to having access to safe and reliable information through these platforms, all remotely.
  • Information storage: most health apps offer the function of storing information, making it possible to record a health history, which helps in monitoring the user himself.
  • Ease and practicality: even being part of the technological world, health apps are simple, with fewer techniques for all users to be able to use them.



How to measure blood pressure by cell phone?

  1. Choose to measure the pressure during the morning and, preferably, while fasting;
  2. If you need to go to the bathroom, go before taking your blood pressure;
  3. Do not lift too much weight or make great physical efforts;
  4. If you smoke cigarettes or drink alcoholic beverages, do not consume this product for at least thirty minutes before the measurement;
  5. Do not cross your legs when taking your blood pressure;
  6. Avoid talking during the measurement.

Which app to use?

There are several options, including the BP Monitor App, authorized and guaranteed by National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa).

The tool measures systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and pulse rate. Another of the best apps, authorized and guaranteed by Anvisa is iCare, which measures blood pressure and analyzes heart rate.

It is important to remember that all health apps for measuring blood pressure are support tools, and do not replace periodic consultations with the doctor and the realization of health check-ups