Did you know that the salary allowance of up to R$1,212.00 is released for workers in the private sector and public servants?

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If the answer is no, come with us, because we will teach you everything you need to know about the allowance and especially how to receive it.

What is the Salary Allowance?

Well, the salary bonus of up to R$1,212.00 is released for workers who were born in June, but do you know where this money comes from?

For those who have this question, we will answer very briefly so that we can continue.

The benefits that are being released are the PIS, or Social Integration Program, and Pasep, the Public Servant Asset Formation Program.

And both are programs that promote the integration of workers in the development of companies or public organizations.

How do I know if I can receive the benefit?

As we said above, the salary bonus of up to R$1,212.00 is released for workers in the private sector and public servants, born in June.

And to be entitled to the withdrawal, you need to be part of a private initiative or a public servant, having been enrolled in PIS or Pasep for at least 5 years.

In addition, they also work for at least 30 days and receive up to 2 monthly minimum wages, which would give an average of around R$2,424 reais.

So, if you are part of this group and meet all the requirements, you can rest assured because this Thursday 24/02/2021 payments start.

How do I know my Salary Allowance?

To find out the exact value of the PIS, access the Caixa Application on the “Salary Allowance” tab or by calling 0800-726-0207 (Caixa ao Cidadão Service.

And to find out the value of Pasep, use the Banco do Brasil app at Consult your Pasep or call the Customer Service at 4004-0001 or 0800 729 0001.

Remembering that the Caixa Tem application is available for both android, how much for IOS and the same applies to the Play Store and Apple Store.

When will I receive the money?

In the case of PIS, the payment extends until March 24th and Paese, until the 24th.

And payments for workers in the private sector will be made by Caixa Econômica Federal and for public servants by Banco do Brasil.

And it's worth remembering that the maximum deadline for the benefit money is until the 29/12/2022th, so stay tuned.

Stay tuned to deadlines.

Allowance deposits began on February 8, primarily by private sector workers who were born in January.

And since then, those born in February, March, April and May have already been covered by the PIS or Pasep benefit.

In addition, those who live in regions affected by heavy rains in Bahia and Minas Gerais, regardless of the months.

So, if you have any acquaintances who weren't aware of the deadlines, it's best to remind them to withdraw the benefit.