Have you ever thought about knowing which apps make money through the internet, simply and for free? 

Well, we all know that nowadays it is quite common for people to spend a lot of time on the internet, as the communication network has become extremely popular.

But what if I told you that most of these people don't know what are the apps to make money on the net and just use the net for fun?

So, read to the end to find out which are the apps that make money on the net in a simple and free way to start earning your money.

Check out the below The list of apps to make money on the net:


At Workana, an app available for devices android, you can easily become a freelancer and work from Home Office whenever and wherever you want.

Just register on the platform, putting your personal data and your specialty to start your journey.

And once everything is ready, start finding projects that interest you, sending proposals to clients, setting the budget, among other processes.

So, with this app you can easily start earning the extra income you've always dreamed of. 


If you have some items sitting in your house but you don't know who to sell them to, we recommend the Enjoei app, which is certainly one of the best apps that earns money.

It is available for mobile android or iOS and basically it's a website for selling clothes, bags, electronics, shoes, among other used items.

So, if you have some items that you don't have anymore and you want to earn some extra money in the month, register with Enjoei and start selling.


Airbnb is an app that is available for both android, how much for IOS and it's great for anyone who wants to earn money through an app.

In it you can offer accommodation for short or long term travelers or residents and thus profit from it.

So, if you have a spare bedroom or even a large well-located house, it's time to start making money with it.

So, register on the app or website and place your room or house for rent, in addition to defining the value and price that will be available.


In this app you can enjoy that you are traveling and earn from it too!

To do this, start by downloading the app on your cell phone, be it android or IOS and then registering.

At the end, put the date of your trip, the time, place of departure and the value to give the lift to each passenger.

Make your registration and start profiting from your rides, through BlaBlaCar”


Kawai, like Tik Tok, also pays you to watch videos and invite friends, and winning is quite simple.

Just download the app from the store Play Store, if your cell phone is Android or in the store of Apple Store if you have an IOS.

After that start watching the videos that will be presented and also take the opportunity to invite your friends to the platform!

So, you also earn money for their invitation and while watching your favorite videos.

We hope you enjoyed this list of apps that earn money and we look forward to seeing you in the next article.