Let's dive into the world of serenity and balance. Discover the best now Free apps to do yoga at home.

If you're a yoga enthusiast, you know that this ancient practice isn't just a series of physical postures; It is a journey towards self-knowledge, inner peace and connection with the universe.

And the best of all? You can embark on this journey without leaving the comfort of your home, thanks to free yoga apps. So let's explore some of them:

Best free apps for doing yoga

Yoga Studio: Mind & Body

O Yoga Studio: Mind & Body It's like a rug spread out in your own sacred space. Whether you're a curious beginner or an experienced practitioner, this app offers complete classes with skilled teachers.

Imagine yourself unfolding into asanas (postures) while the morning sun peeks through the window. With more than 80 lessons available, you can choose the one that best suits your pace and level. And the best? You can access these classes at any time, either on your mobile device or by streaming them to your TV.

Yoga Studio: Mind & Body is available for download at Apple Store or in Google Play.

Yoga – Postures and Classes

This app is like a wise teacher who guides you through the nuances of yoga. Yoga – Postures and Classes offers a simple, easy-to-use experience with a complete catalog of positions.

Want to focus on flexibility? Or maybe in deep relaxation? Choose the module that resonates with you and immerse yourself in classes in high definition.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi, this app is a valuable tool for your daily practice. Available in both Apple Store as in Google Play.

Simply Yoga

Sometimes all we need is simplicity. The application Simply Yoga offers 20, 40 or 60 minute classes, allowing you to customize your exercise routine.

Guided by certified teachers, these classes are accessible to everyone, regardless of gender or age. Imagine stretching and breathing deeply, aligning your body and mind.

Simply Yoga is available for download from the Apple Store or Google Play.

Daily Yoga

O Daily Yoga It's like a portal to the world of wellness. With over 50 courses, you can customize your activities to meet your specific needs: relaxation, posture, weight loss, and more.

Explore a variety of positions, guided classes, and even soothing music to accompany your practice. This app is an invitation to connect with yourself every day. Available on the Apple Store and Google Play.

These are the best apps we found for you to do yoga without leaving home. Enjoy moments of relaxation, reflection and self-knowledge.

So, dear yogi, choose the app that resonates with your heart and start unfolding your virtual mat. May each breath be a meditation, each posture a dance with the cosmos. Namaste! 🙏