So, friend, how are you? Today I'm here to talk about a subject that we love: hair! You know when we look in the mirror and think “Oh my God, will my hair ever grow back?”. Well, I'm going to reveal to you now the secret to healthy and beautiful hair with these 5 foods that will double the size of your hair.

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Relax, I have some golden tips that will boost the growth of your locks!

5 foods that will double the size of your hair

Avocado – the king of long hair

This delicious green is not just good for making guacamole, no! It is full of vitamins and healthy fats that will nourish your scalp and leave your hair stronger and shinier. It's okay to do that avocado and honey mask, okay?

Eggs – the protein that makes the difference

It's no use, friend, protein is essential for our hair to grow strong and beautiful. And the eggs are full of them! Additionally, they have biotin, which is like a superfood for your hair. Omelette all the time to guarantee those long strands!

Carrot – the color of hair health

You know that story about eating carrots to see better? Well, it also helps to make your hair grow faster! Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body transforms into vitamin A, great for scalp health and stimulating hair growth. Try the carrot salad, friend!

Salmon – the fish with mermaid hair

This little fish is powerful, see? It's full of omega-3s, which help keep your scalp healthy and your strands shiny. Plus, there’s protein to give and sell! So you know, on your next trip to the market, put a little salmon in the cart.

Spinach – Popeye’s secret

Remember Popeye, that strong sailor? He knew things! Spinach is rich in iron, which is essential for blood circulation and transporting oxygen to the scalp. The more oxygen, the faster the hair grows! So let's make a spinach salad to guarantee this accelerated growth!

Bonus essential care tips

Friend! You can't just talk about food without talking about care, right? So, take note of some bonus tips that will make your hair even stronger and more wonderful:

Always hydrate

There's no way around it, friend, hydrating your hair is essential! At least once a week, use that powerful mask. This will help keep your hair healthy and less likely to break.

Be careful with the heat

Hairdryer, straightener, curling iron... all of these are wonderful, but too much can ruin your hair. So, whenever you can, try to give your hair a break and let it dry naturally. If it doesn't work, don't forget the thermal protector, okay?

Cut regularly

I know it's difficult to give up length, but cutting your ends every three months will help prevent split ends and keep your hair healthier. And believe me, this even helps with growth!

Scalp massage

You know that nice feeling when the hairdresser washes your hair and gives you a scalp massage? Well, this stimulates blood circulation and helps nutrients reach the hair roots. So don't hesitate to give it a little massage every time you wash your hair.

Avoid very tight hairstyles

Ponytails and tight braids may be beautiful, but they end up pulling the strands too much and causing breakage. So, try to avoid doing these hairstyles every day, okay?

So, did you like the tips, friend? With these foods in your diet and following these precautions, your hair will look so incredible that you will be the modern Rapunzel!

And best of all: in a natural and healthy way.

So run to the kitchen and start investing in these foods that will transform your hair in a year. And then tell me the results, huh? I'm here rooting for long, healthy hair for all of us!