The dream of many people is to have a tattoo but for some reason they don't. Often parents do not let or are afraid of reprisals when looking for a job. So put tattoos on your photos with the Tattoo my Photo app.

The Tattoo my Photo application is available for Android phones and allows you to edit images by placing designs such as tattoos on them.

Choose from dozens of designs such as tribal, old school, new trad, among others, and make your photos much more stylish.

The app serves as a tattoo simulator, with it you can do tests to see how a tattoo will look on your body before actually sending ink to the skin.

You can also use it to post photos with various tattoos on your social media and let your friends and family think you did it for real.

Because, being a simulator, the drawings and tattoos contained in it are extremely real.

The app is lightweight, easy to find on Play Store It's also easy to download, as it's completely free.

Then to use it is also very easy to be very intuitive and 100% in Portuguese.

On the “Home” screen or home screen you will have the option to take a photo on the spot using the camera button or choose a photo of your choice from your image library.

Once you've chosen the photo you want to apply the tattoos, now it's time to choose which art you want to apply to the skin.

To do this, just click on the “Pics” button to see all available tattoo designs and images and choose your favorite style.

After choosing which one you like the most, it's time to choose which part of the body you want to apply the tattoo.

After that, use your fingers as if they were "tweezers" to position the tattoo where it looks best, so you'll be able to move and rotate, increase and decrease the size.

After that, just save the photo to your device and enjoy your new Tattoo. You will also be able to share with your friends on your social networks.

Put tattoos on your photos with Tattoo my Photo app

A hint…. Do not force too much on the size of the chosen tattoo, because depending on how you position it on your body, it will look artificial.

When the drawings are smaller, they tend to look more real.

Therefore, if you want to “Close” the arm, choose several small designs and place one next to the other, leaving it with a “Spliced” aspect.

So download and put tattoos on your photos with Tattoo my Photo app now for free on your mobile.

If you are in doubt about which tattoo to get and wanted to try it out before actually going to a studio to get it done.

There are some other apps that also simulate tattoos on your photos.

However, we chose Tattoo my Photo because it is entirely in Portuguese and easier to use, being free of charge to download.

We hope we could have helped you learn how to tattoo your photos with the Tattoo my Photo app.

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