meet the Application to find out who you were in your past life, learn how to use the application in this article.

Past life regression is the practice of using techniques such as meditation.

Hypnosis or guided imagery to recall past lives.

It can be an eye-opening experience for those who believe in reincarnation and are curious about their past lives.

With advances in technology, there are now apps available to help people find out more about their past lives.

These apps use a variety of methods, from astrological calculations and tarot readings to helping people connect with spirit guides who guide them on their journey into the past.

With these apps, individuals can discover who they were in previous lives and explore the connections between their current selves and their former selves.

Additionally, many of these apps offer the ability to consult with experts in various fields related to reincarnation and past life analysis.

So that users can get personalized information about their own experiences.


One of the main benefits of knowing your past life is gaining insight into who you are today.

Your past life may have left its mark on your current character and preferences, but it can be difficult to discover this information without a guide.

An app to help you figure out who you were in your past life can give you much-needed guidance.

Providing valuable information about you that can influence how you approach the future.

Another benefit of knowing your past life is being able to identify possible weaknesses or areas of development.

When we understand our past lives, we understand why certain behaviors and tendencies can exist in our current lives.

For example, if we had difficulty breaking away from materialistic desires in our past lives, this knowledge may allow us to more effectively identify and confront these issues now.

Finally, learning about the previous incarnation can also lead to further spiritual growth and development.

By recognizing the patterns that existed in our previous lives, we can make better decisions with each new life to continue to evolve spiritually over time.

This awareness allows us to take control of our destiny, rather than feeling subject to outside forces beyond our control.

Past lives with Rachid

Rachid is an app that helps you explore your past lives.

It uses the power of AI and machine learning to identify connections between your current life and possible past lives.

By using this app, users can gain insight into their soul's journey through time, as well as what their purpose may be in the present.

With Rachid, you can discover who you were in a previous life based on clues from your current life, such as interests, relationships with people or places, and even physical characteristics.

This information can help provide greater clarity about how our past experiences shape who we are today.

In addition, Rachid also provides guidance on how to move forward in our current incarnation by drawing on our insights from previous lives.

Through its innovative approach, Rachid gives users a unique advantage when it comes to understanding and navigating their individual spiritual path.

Past lives

the app Past lives is an app that helps you explore your past lives.

It uses a variety of techniques such as astrology, numerology and meditation to learn about who you were in a previous life.

The app can give you an idea of what kind of person you might have been or the kind of experiences that might have shaped your life.

Additionally, the app can provide insight into how these experiences might influence your current life.

The app also offers tools to help users learn more about themselves in their current lives by examining patterns and similarities between their current and past lives.

By observing how events in their current life relate to events and decisions in their past life, users can gain deeper self-understanding and clarity on why certain things happen for them now.

Furthermore, the user can use this information to make better decisions for their future.