Listen to your baby's heartbeat here using these apps which we will indicate below.

They are super essential tools for anxious moms who want to be monitoring their baby's heartbeat at all times.


For those who are waiting for their child to arrive, they are always in doubt as to whether everything is ok with the child inside the womb.

For this and other purposes, technology combined with artificial intelligence has created tools so that mothers can closely monitor their child's development.

Applications available for Android and iOS cell phones and most of them free.

We must remember, therefore, that these applications are only to help mothers when anxiety strikes.

Nothing replaces prenatal care with a doctor you trust.

Periodic exams must also be carried out to obtain correct information about the baby.

We have listed some of these applications below for you to delve deeper into the subject and choose the one that best suits your case.

Pregnancy +

This is an application well known and loved by future mothers.

With millions of users spread across the world.

the app Pregnancy + It is available for Android and iOS phones for free.

The platform has a wide variety of resources to help mothers and monitor their baby's development.

Furthermore, the application informs you every day about the pregnancy, the images are very colorful and easy to understand and it also has a personal diary of weight, visits to the doctor and others.

Furthermore, it allows you to organize your diet, counts daily kicks, creates a shopping list for the baby and even gives name tips for your child.

It's a functional app, with a beautiful and intuitive interface.

It's worth trying and monitoring your baby's growth.

My Baby's Beat

Another super valuable tip is My Baby's Beat, a tool that will help mothers from the beginning of pregnancy.

This app has many functions and resources to keep moms calm until their next visit to the doctor.

the app My Baby's Beat It is only available for iOS mobile phones.

It allows you to record and share your baby's heartbeat with your family and friends.

But it's good to remember that this app only works from the 30th week of pregnancy.

My Baby's Beat only uses the cell phone's microphone to communicate, without the need for extra accessories.

Before using it, you must leave your phone in airplane mode to achieve a satisfactory result.

My pregnancy and my baby today

the app My pregnancy and my baby today, was developed by the famous website Baby Center and works in several languages.

It is a very functional and complete tool.

A guide that follows the pregnancy from beginning to end, with daily information, ideas and important tips.

It has excellent articles to answer mom's questions, health content and approved by renowned experts.

Among its main functions, the My pregnancy and my baby today app offers name inspiration, monitors day-to-day changes in the body, as well as tips to alleviate discomfort.

It also has a calendar with articles and information, monitoring the baby's growth and heart rate.

It also has an exclusive group of mothers, so they can exchange experiences, transforms their photos into incredible videos and even helps with the baby's first year.

The My pregnancy and my baby today platform is an excellent choice for those who want to monitor their baby's development.

Enjoy and listen to your baby's heartbeat here using these apps wonderful.