Did you know there is car simulator app that teaches driving?

Yes, it exists and it helps a lot when training and reducing anxiety for the practical test.

Learning to drive by application may seem absurd, but driving schools have already thought about the possibility to help with classes.

Especially today, after the pandemic, online classes have become much more frequent.

And app help is the best way to learn like you're actually driving.

There are, of course, simulators used by driving schools, with monitoring by instructors.

But applications have gained a lot of space and professionals are studying a lot about these technological tools.

In app stores we will find several tools in this category, which can offer great help to students.

They include all rules, driving regulations and theory tests.

Driving School – Car Simulator

The app was initially designed for a game.

However, it fully complies with the functions of virtual driving, including all the regulations a driver must know.

the app Driving school it has over a thousand car models and 280 levels that will challenge the user virtually.

The tool is available for Android and iOS (Apple) devices.

Vial Practice

A functional and accessible application for cell phones with Android and iOS systems.

Has extensive knowledge of driver's license exams.

The app offers all the necessary theory for the driver to study and exams that can be taken as many times as you want.

Other app functionality Vial Practice is a “common driving errors” tab, which helps the driver, especially when parking.

DMV Permit Practice Test Genie

An alternative for those who want to learn more about the driving test and specifically parking.

The app provides users with all the necessary laws and regulations.

Through DMV Permit Practice Test Genie you can virtually do a simulation of the exam and get the grade automatically.

A differential of this tool is that it creates different scenarios, with a series of common problems that occur in everyday life, so that the driver learns in practice which mistakes he cannot make.

This form of training has levels ranging from basic to difficult, a way for the user to test their knowledge.

driving school 3d

the app driving school 3d uses recent sports cars in its tests for a better driver experience.

It also includes a simulator where the user can move around the city streets.

While the driver is taking the test, the simulator automatically teaches about road signs and other important rules.

The Driving School 3D app is only available for Android phones.

A free app, but with a more complete paid version.

Car Driving Games

A very accurate app in terms of scale of cars, roads, location and road signs.

O Car Driving Games is an excellent app for anyone thinking of buying their first car and want to practice driving before they start driving.

The tool allows the user to drive his car with maximum precision, training in parking lots, roads and maneuvers in real traffic.

The main objective of Car Driving Games is for the driver to reach the parking spot following all the imposed rules as much as possible and to be able to park the car correctly.

It is a functional application, well rated by its users.

So, use a car simulator app that teaches driving, it is certainly a smart way to practice your knowledge before taking the DMV test.

It's worth downloading and training your driving.