Did you know you have how to measure glucose by cell phone?

Yes, nowadays with high technology, applications have been developed to measure glucose just using your cell phone.

When it comes to an issue as important as high blood glucose, our biggest concern is to monitor it so as not to make the situation worse.

One of the ways to measure glucose, which everyone already knows, is using a device where you pierce your finger, but this way is not very popular with people who usually need to check it several times a day.

For those with diabetes, it is very important to stay healthy by monitoring your glucose levels daily.

Thinking about health and practicality, specialists have developed applications that make this measurement, without major complications and in a very practical way.

Below we will talk a little about each application, the best and most used, so that you understand how each one works and can use it in your day to day, making it much easier when measuring your glucose rate.

freestyle free

O freestyle free It is basically a blood glucose sensor, able to control the sugar in the body, especially for people who have diabetes.

The sensor does not use any type of needles or holes, it is glued to the skin and can do this control through a reader.

The device works in a simple way and promises to end the measurement through blood collection.

According to its developers, the sensor is glued to the skin and when scanned it is able to read and monitor the blood glucose rate on your cell phone in real time.

In addition, the device shows, through graphs, what was the previous rate, the current rate and levels that should arrive later, that is, a graph is displayed on your cell phone screen showing the rates of the last 8 hours, so that it can be monitored in the right way.

The sensor is waterproof and lasts for 14 consecutive days.

The sensor stores data for 90 days which can be saved and shared.

It is worth remembering, therefore, that no method replaces frequent medical monitoring.

This tool serves as a daily support, so that you can monitor your glucose rate at home, especially when you feel that something is not right.

But follow-up with your doctor, periodic exams are extremely essential, especially when it comes to diabetic patients.

The app is available for Android and iOS phones.

Diabetes Connect

The application Diabetes Connect allows its users to record all data related to diabetes in a functional way, allowing daily control of sugar levels, meals, injection times, monitoring of important medications, among other information.

The application even allows the synchronization of this app with other devices so that you have daily and specific monitoring.

The app is available for Android and iOS phones.

diabetes pal

A very simple application diabetes pal allows its users to perform daily blood glucose analysis and help control their diet, all manually and automatically.

The app provides daily reports that can be printed for monitoring and the patient can set goals to encourage care with their treatment.

The functional application, online or offline, is available for Android and iOS phones and is completely free.

These tools serve, however, so that the patient has some form of daily monitoring, but your doctor should always be following and informed of everything that is happening to your patient.

Now that you already have an idea of how to measure glucose by cell phone, talk to your doctor and choose the best app that suits you.