Did you know it's possible measure blood pressure on your cell phone in just two minutes?

Yes, exactly what you just read, you can measure your blood pressure through cell phone applications, developed exactly for this purpose.

According to surveys by the Ministry of Health, there are thousands of deaths recorded annually due to causes related to hypertension.

People usually take a long time to realize that their blood pressure is high, or they are unable to run to a clinic or a hospital, or they still cannot notice that a family member is feeling sick due to their blood pressure.

For this reason, groups of specialist cardiologists have created high-tech tools capable of measuring blood pressure through your own cell phone in a very accurate way.

These tools, in addition to measuring the patient's blood pressure, also allow it to be saved and recorded, so that it can later be shown to the doctor for follow-up.

BP Monitor

BP Monitor is undoubtedly one of the most popular apps on our list, but it is only available for iOS phones, but it has a wide variety of features so that you can closely monitor your blood pressure throughout your day.

Through BP Monitor you can record your measurements and generate graphs, save and share this data with your doctor so that he can closely monitor your pressure.


The application SmartBP is another tool tip to measure blood pressure for free, just download the app on your cell phone and follow the information contained in an easy and very functional screen.

An effective tool, already proven by users and doctors, which allows the user to record their pressure measurements, save, share and analyze the data collected with the help of their cardiologist.

In addition to measuring pressure, the platform also offers other important features, the user can measure their BMI through the app, activate or deactivate their weight control and even add important information and observations.

The app is available in Android and iOS versions.

Blood Pressure Wrist Meter

This application does not allow you to measure blood pressure through your cell phone, but it has many important features that can help you keep an eye on your blood pressure.

With an intuitive and very functional interface, the tool Blood Pressure Wrist Meter allows you to create alerts to remind you to measure at the right time, in addition to helping you create data and graphs for daily monitoring.

In the application, you can save the data in this graph and present this information when you visit your cardiologist.

The tool is available for Android and iOS phones.

Pulse and Blood Pressure

With this functional application you can measure your pulse, record your blood pressure, write down and save this information, a screen that is very easy to use.

However, this application Pulse and Blood Pressure It is only available for iOS mobile phones.

However, we must remember that no application replaces routine medical follow-up.

If you or someone in your family has problems with low or high blood pressure, you should, without a doubt, always be accompanied by a cardiologist, so that you can treat the disease correctly and systematically.

Now that you know how to measure blood pressure on your cell phone in just 2 minutes, all you have to do is choose the best app, the one that fits your routine, download it to your cell phone and monitor your blood pressure and pulse measurement daily.

That way, when you visit your doctor, you'll have a lot more information to pass on to him and get the treatment right.