Discover Ecuador's Social Programs by reading this quick and complete guide! Find out how the government can help your family in difficult times.

First, here in Ecuador, the government recognizes the importance of supporting the most vulnerable families.

Therefore, it offers several social benefits to guarantee the well-being and quality of life of the population.

In this sense, Ecuador's Social Programs represent the government's commitment to reducing poverty and promoting social inclusion.

A Commitment to Social Well-Being

These programs certainly improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable families, aiming for a more just and equitable reality.

So, check out the main benefits provided by the government below, which together form a social protection network that supports thousands of Ecuadorians.

Human Development Bonus

First of all, this benefit offers a monthly aid of $55 to $150, depending on the number of children under 18 years of age.

Therefore, this bonus aims to improve the quality of life of families in situations of extreme poverty, who fulfill their shared health and educational responsibilities.

Similarly, to receive the benefit, families must register with Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES).

1000 Days Bonus

Similarly, the 1000 Days Bonus, offers a monthly incentive of USD $50 to pregnant women and children under 2 years old in a situation of poverty.

In addition, it includes 3 payments: the first of $90 upon the birth of the baby; $120 upon the first year of life and another $120 upon the second year.

In other words, the goal is to ensure access to adequate nutrition and health care during the first thousand days of life, as this is a crucial phase for child development.

However, these incentives are only received if the mother attends prenatal health examinations and registers in advance with the Civil Registry.

My Best Years Pension

THE My Best Years Pension, is granted to elderly people aged 65 or over, who have no means of support.

This benefit consists of a monthly monetary transfer of $50 to $100, aimed at covering economic deficiencies and expenses that increase with age. 

In this sense, the value of the pension varies according to the elderly person's socioeconomic situation.

To receive the benefit, seniors must register with MIES, as well as verifying their real conditions.

How to Access Benefits?

To register for Ecuador's social programs, families must go to one of the Comprehensive Care Centers in MIES (CAI) or to a community service point.

The main channels for registration are:

  • MIES Comprehensive Service Centers (CAI): They offer personalized service to answer questions, carry out registrations and monitor the progress of processes.
  • Community Service Points: Established to facilitate people's access to MIES services.
  • Digital Platforms: Register online to guarantee your place for in-person service.

Required Documents:

To register, it is essential to have the following documents on hand:

  • Citizenship card: Identity document of the applicant and family members.
  • Civil registry: Birth certificate of children.
  • Proof of residence: Water bill, electricity bill or other document proving address.
  • Other documents that may be requested: In some cases, it may be necessary to present other documents, such as proof of income or a medical report.

For more detailed and specific information about each program, please visit the official MIES website:


In short, Ecuador's social programs, such as the Bono Solidario, the Bono de 1000 Días and the MIES Pension, represent a significant step forward in building a more just and equitable country!

These programs contribute to improving the population's quality of life, reducing social inequality and strengthening society as a whole, promoting a more prosperous reality for everyone.

So, now that we have provided you with the main information so that you can learn about Ecuador's Social Programs, don't waste any more time!

Access the official platforms of the Government of Ecuador, check if your family is eligible for the programs and assert your rights!