If you are passionate about fishing, you know that technology is increasingly present in this sport. And one of the coolest advances that have emerged in recent times are apps for weighing fish.

Have you ever imagined how incredible it would be to catch a huge fish and be able to know its weight so you can share it with your friends? Well now you can.

Why Use an App to Weigh Fish?

Just imagine: you caught a big fish but want to know its exact weight.

This way, instead of relying on improvised scales or “eyeball” estimates, you take out your cell phone, open the app and that’s it! In seconds, you have the precise weight of your catch.

But does not stop there! The best apps for weighing fish offer a bunch of extra features:

Catch Record: Create a complete fishing diary, with photos, location, date, species and weight of each fish caught.

Weather Forecast and Tide Table: Plan your fishing trips with accurate information about weather and sea conditions.

Fishermen's Community: Exchange tips, information and fishing stories with other people passionate about the sport.

Species Identification: Take photos of your fish and the app helps you find out what species it is.

Fishing Point Mapping: Find the best places to fish in your region.

The Best Apps for Weighing Fish

With so many options available, it can be difficult to choose the ideal app. That's why we took a dive into the best apps for weighing fish in 2024.

Fishbrain app to weigh fish

The favorite of fishermen, with a huge community and complete resources.

Highlights: Heatmap with fishing spots, weather forecast, species identification by photo, detailed catch record, fishermen rankings, news feed and discussion forums.

Ideal for: Fishermen looking for social interaction, information about fishing spots and complete resources to record their adventures.

FishVerify App

Ideal for those who want to record their captures accurately but also share them with friends.

Highlights: Accurate measurement of fish weight by photo, detailed record of catches with information about location, date, species and bait, easy sharing on social networks, challenges and competitions between friends.

Ideal for: Fishermen who value accuracy in recording catches and enjoy sharing their achievements with friends.


Focused on sport fishermen, with advanced data recording and analysis capabilities.

Highlights: Detailed recording of catches with information on location, date, species, bait, equipment and weather conditions, data analysis to identify patterns and improve performance, integration with sonar and GPS, depth maps and seabed structure.

Ideal for: Sports fishermen looking to improve their techniques and record their catches in as much detail as possible.

Fish Rules app

It helps you identify fish species and know if they are within the permitted measurements.

Highlights: Species identification by photo, information on fishing regulations by region, fishing season calendar, tips for sustainable fishing, catch records with information on species, size and location.

Ideal for: Fishermen who care about sustainable fishing and want to ensure that their catches are within the rules.

    How to Choose the Best App for You

    When choosing the ideal app, take into account your fishing profile and the features you need most.

    So, if you're a casual fisherman looking for a simple app to record your catches, FishVerify could be a good option.

    If you are a sport fisherman looking for advanced features and data analysis, ANGLR could be the right choice.

    But if you want to interact with other fishermen and discover new fishing spots, Fishbrain is a great choice.

    The Fishing of the Future Is in the Palm of Your Hand

    With apps to weigh fish, fishing becomes even more fun and efficient.

    Try this technology and see how it can transform your experience in the water!