We prepared this car review guide for travel so you can enjoy your vacation with peace of mind and safety.

Holidays and trips at the end and beginning of the year are moments of fun and rest for many people. But for everything to go well, you need to take some care of your car before hitting the road.

Car inspection is a way to prevent mechanical problems, ensure passenger safety and avoid fines and inconvenience.

Furthermore, the car should be inspected periodically, following the guidelines in the manufacturer's manual. But if you are going to travel, it is recommended to do an extra review, checking the following items:


Tires must be in good condition, with correct inflation, alignment and balancing up to date. Also check the condition of the spare tire and whether you have the jack, tire iron and warning triangle in the trunk. Bald or flat tires can cause serious accidents or delay your trip.


Brakes are essential for car safety. Check the brake fluid level, the condition of the pads and discs and whether there is any noise or vibration when braking. Worn or leaking brakes can compromise braking efficiency and put your life and that of others at risk.

Oils and filters

Oil lubricates and protects the car engine. Check the oil level and expiration date and change it if necessary. The oil, air and fuel filters must also be changed according to the mileage indicated by the manufacturer. Dirty oil and filters can reduce engine performance, increase fuel consumption and generate pollution.

Electrical system

The electrical system involves the car's battery, alternator, spark plugs, cables and light bulbs. Check that all of these components are working properly, that there are no signs of corrosion or wear, and that the lights are adjusted and illuminating properly. A faulty electrical system can cause the car to malfunction, make it difficult to start, impair visibility and disrupt communication with other vehicles.

Water and coolant

Water and coolant prevent the engine and radiator from overheating. Check the level of these liquids and top up if necessary. Avoid using tap water, as it may contain impurities that harm the cooling system. An overheated engine can seriously damage your car and leave you stranded in the middle of the road.

Windshield wiper blades and wipers

Windshield wiper blades and wipers are important for the driver's visibility. Check that the blades are clean and free of tears and that the wiper reservoir is full. Replace reeds if they are dry or damaged. Bad windshield wiper blades and wipers can make it difficult to see in the event of rain, dust or insects.

Mandatory documents and items

Finally, don't forget to take the car and driver's documents, such as CRLV, CNH and mandatory insurance. Also check that you have the mandatory items, such as a fire extinguisher, seat belt and first aid kit. Mandatory documents and items are required by law and can avoid fines and problems with authorities.

Drivvo app for car review

There is an application where you can register, organize and monitor all the information about your car, motorcycle, truck, bus or fleet whenever you want and wherever you are, using your smartphone, tablet or computer.

the app Drivvo It is the ideal tool for you who care about the conservation and cost management of your vehicle.


By inspecting your car before traveling, you guarantee a smoother, safer and more economical trip.

Remember to plan your itinerary, respect traffic laws and enjoy your trip.

Bon voyage! 🚗